
As we develop faith in Christ, it is important to confidence in who He says He is, and that we will develop confidence in the way the He says He will treat us.

He says: Ask and ye shall receive- how confident are we that He will give us strength, guidance, or instruction when we ask for it?
This past week, I was frustrated at some work related challenges and I walked in the house, picked on a triple combination, lifted it above my head and as I threw it on the table I said, " God speak to me!" I slammed the book on the table and it fell open to a section in the doctrine and covenants. I read the section and it addressed my problems very specifically, gave me instruction, and left me comforted. After reading the section, I prayed and thanked my Heavenly Father for speaking to me so directly. I knew that God doesn't lie, I had confidence that He would indeed speak to me when I asked for it, and so I was very sure that when that book was slammed on the table that God would use it to speak to me. And He did. He does not fail us.

If you do not know how God says He will treat us- then study and find out. If you do know- then how confident are you that He will treat you that way? Finally, treat others the way that God treats you.
